Purchase or Renewal
Three options: One year subscription / Two year subscription / Three years subscription
• With each of these options one person gets all 4 non-expiring version of Mobipocket (Kindle)(.prc), Epub, PDF and/or the iSilo version (.pdb).
• You can use these on multiple devices.
• You will get email notifications to download future non-expiring updates that will be released at 3 to 4 month intervals throughout the year during your subscription period.
• The payment is one-time only, no recurring charges. If you choose to re-subscribe, simply come back to this page and make a new payment.
iSilo version? It's the only reader with no free versions. Used only because we have been using this format since 2001. It's files are compact, quickly navigated and simple to use. Just go to iPhone app store or for the android version via Amazon.com to download iSilo (note: this is a separate purchase).

$99.95 The Clinical Medicine Consult - 1 year of updates.

$149.95 The Clinical Medicine Consult - 2 years of updates. = 25% off regular price

$179.95 The Clinical Medicine Consult - 3 years of updates. = 40% off regular price
If you have any concerns about your ability to download a pdf, epub or mobi file onto your device the click the link below. This book is merely a text file in which there are dozens of free eReaders to open it with.
Student Discounts Available
Just send us your ""Proof of Student status"": Examples are a dated copy of student picture ID, official class registration receipt, school pay stub or a letter with school letterhead that confirms the user's academic status. You will qualify for two years for the price of one.
Step #1: purchase the subscription (your choice of 1, 2 or 3 years) you get access to a non-expiring text in the format(s) of your choosing.
Step #2: Send us your proof via email to help@ clinicalmedconsult.com. We will confirm and put you in the system to double your update time (1yr --> 2yr or 2 yr --> 4 or 3 yr --> 6 yrs).
If you prefer, you can confirm your qualifications ahead of time by emailing first.
There are four versions of the text, one for iSilo (.pdb), an adobe (.pdf), Epub (.epub = the most widely used reader outside of Amazon's Kindle) and one for MobiPocket (.prc) = version for Amazon's Kindle). Note: All of these version.....the .pdf and, .epub .prc version are included with your purchase and all of these versions include free updates of non-expiring files.
Pricing / Bulk Discounts
email us to arrange.
10-40 units @ 50% discount.
41-70 units @ 60% discount.
71-100 units @ 70% discount.
100+ units @ 75% discount.
Includes a non-expiring text and updates sent to each user (emailed download link). As usual, users can access
the text on any device(s) / computer they have. We will still need every user to create their own account as this is how once get access to the download site for choosing their file type(s) and getting notifications for updates.